Shock is a complex condition which often swiftly follows acute injury. A substantial fall in blood pressure is always involved.
Signs include rapid breathing and heart rate,with pallor of the mucous membranes, (e.g the gums, lips or under the eyelids). The feet or ears may be cold to the touch. Your pet may vomit and is usually very quiet and unresponsive.
Keep your pet as quiet as possible. Try to conserve heat by covering with coats or a blanket. If necessary, apply the A,B,C of first aid.
A Airway
B Breathing
C Cardiac function
Airway. Anything that obstructs the airway prevents oxygen entering the lungs. Do your best to clear the mouth and throat of any obtruction (vomit, saliva or foreign bodies such as sticks or balls). Take care, your pet will be as terrified as you and may bite in panic.
Breathing. If your pet is unconcious and does not appear to be breathing, try gently pumping the chest with the palm of your hand, at the same time feeling the chest on the left side just behind the elbow to detect a heart beat (pulse).
Cardiac function. Check the colour of the tongue and if cyanosed (blue) try blowing down the throat and nose in order to stimulate breathing and heart function.